

Another discovery this summer was ‘Swap-O-Rama’, the DJ spins classics until suddenly the klaxons go off and the word’s SWAP appear on screen at which point you have to swap an item of clothing with your neighbour, swapping over the music continues until the next time.

Modern people not being the most altruistic of creatures tend not to want to give away their material possessions which makes this music guilt trip even more exciting, luckily for those really attached to their fashion the purveyors aid the situation with a bundle of spare trousers, hats, nighties, faux fur coats and swapping paraphenalia to oil the wheels of giving. ultimately some hysterical looks ensue and much fun is had by all, the DJ’s are great to and if you don’t leave in one flip flop half naked with a tiara on then you have not indulged in the swapping deluge that is ‘Swap-O-Rama’!

Contact Sound for details/bookings.

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